
209 results     1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9

176 Blog: Battle nodal point
On 15 April, I drove out to Battle to see what, if anything, was left of the nodal point defences.
22 April 2007
177 Blog: Art Deco dragon's tooth
Back on 8 April, I took a second visit out to Ninfield to do some follow-up on my previous discovery of over 90 cubes.
22 April 2007
178 Blog: Ninfield nodal point
This afternoon I drove out to Ninfield, a town just north of Bexhill which was classified as a nodal point and fortress designed to resist invading forces for up to 7 days without outside assistance.
2 April 2007
179 Blog: Two-storey pillbox
Having just acquired a car, I decided to get out and about and take in some anti-invasion defences that are harder to get to on bike.
25 March 2007
180 Blog: is live! is finally ready to go!
10 March 2007
181 Blog: Not long now; really is coming!
I've been working furiously to get my long-promised website in a state whereby it's fit for public consumption.
8 March 2007
182 Blog: Pillbox ballistics (2)
Continuing my examination of possible wartime damage to a Type 22 pillbox beside the Royal Military Canal at Ruckinge, I'm going to concentrate on the damage indicated by the area shaded in red below.
18 February 2007
183 Blog: Pillbox ballistics (1)
What was so interesting about this Type 22 pillbox (photo taken June 2006), that I had to go and visit it yesterday?
14 February 2007
184 Blog: Royal Military Canal (3)
I've just looked in the mirror and realised why people on the train were giving me funny looks; I have several splashes of dried mud on my face, in my hair and up the front of my fleece jacket.
13 February 2007
185 Blog: Roadblocks
I came across two roadblock sites today on my way to Bexhill to try and get a problem with my new laptop (I'll post something about this at a later date) fixed.
3 January 2007
186 Blog: New pillbox website on the way!
I've hinted in recent posts that I've been developing a new website related to pillboxes. I was hoping to have launched the full site by now, but recent events and pressures have delayed it slightly.
1 January 2007
187 Blog: National Archives visit
My third and final day of my visit, I arrived here an hour later than planned due to a last-minute decision to go chasing pillboxes. I've seen a total of 5 and a spigot mortar pedestal today, although my photos taken from the train are not clear.
24 November 2006
188 Blog: In Remembrance
I'm writing this piece on Remembrance Day inspired by my research into anti-invasion defences being constructed by 45 Division in Sussex and Kent in 1940.
11 November 2006
189 Blog: Back at Pillbox Alley
The end of October and still the weather remains warm! Taking advantage of today's sunshine (it was jeans and t-shirt weather), I paid another visit to Barcombe Mills to build on my previous trip along part of the GHQ Line.
29 October 2006
190 Blog: Beaches, fields, streets and hills
Having had a nasty virus over the weekend, something that has helped speed my recovery was the delivery of Beaches, fields, streets and hills: the anti-invasion landscapes of England, 1940 by William Foot. (CBA Research Report No.144, Council for British Archaeology 2006; ISBN 1 902771 53 2).
23 October 2006
191 Blog: The GHQ Line
I couldn't believe the weather forecast for today; bright sunshine with temperatures of about 19-20°C - not bad for the middle of October!
15 October 2006
192 Blog: Royal Military Canal (2)
On 27 September (yes, I am nearly 3 weeks behind with my blogging!), I resumed my bike ride along the Royal Military Canal from where I left off previously.
14 October 2006
193 Blog: National Archives visit
I survived a monsoon to get to the archives today; so much rain fell inside about an hour, that the drainage system was overwhelmed.
11 October 2006
194 Blog: Newhaven Defences
On 24 September, I cycled all the way out to Newhaven to look at the defences there; Newhaven was a strategically important port during the war, and still operates today.
9 October 2006
195 Blog: Pett Emergency Coast Defence Battery
Last Monday I took the train to Hastings and cycled out to Pett Level, to visit the remains of a WW2 Emergency Coast Battery.
5 October 2006
196 Blog: Cuckmere Haven defences
On 10 September I rode out to Cuckmere Haven again to take another look at the western side of the river.
4 October 2006
197 Blog: Catching up
I've been very busy the past few weeks; the weather has been surprisingly good for this time of year, and I've been out and about so much that I've not had time to record my activities.
1 October 2006
198 Blog: A curious research milestone...
I finally found time to award myself a day away from everything else and to catch up on some documents on anti-invasion measures I'd photographed at the archives some weeks ago.
18 September 2006
199 Blog: Da Vinci code or just talking blocks?
Regular readers of my blog (if such people exist) are probably bored of this photo by now, but it appears here for the third time to tie up a loose thread left by my archive visit of 10 May.
21 June 2006
200 Blog: 1940 minefield incidents
I mentioned previously that I had found mention of an incident in the war diary of a Royal Engineers Field Company who oversaw many of the defensive preparations in my corner of Sussex in 1940.
11 June 2006

209 results     1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9

This site is copyright © Peter Hibbs 2006 - 2024. All rights reserved.

Hibbs, Peter Search (2024) Available at: Accessed: 27 July 2024

The information on this website is intended solely to describe the ongoing research activity of The Defence of East Sussex Project; it is not comprehensive or properly presented. It is therefore NOT suitable as a basis for producing derivative works or surveys!