151 | Blog: Mount Caburn I've paid a couple of visits to Mount Caburn this year to investigate the wartime slit trenches that were dug on the ramparts of this iron age hillfort. |
12 October 2008 |
152 | Blog: Downsforce Project In the past few months I've been cultivating an interest in Downsforce, which was a conglomerate of units tasked with tackling German forces on the high ground between the River Ouse and the Cuckmere River. |
11 October 2008 |
153 | Blog: Ashdown Forest Ashdown Forest was a very busy place during WW2, being used as a training area as well as being the location of the famous Aspidistra transmitter. |
5 October 2008 |
154 | Blog: National Archives visits I've undertaken four visits to Kew in the past two months. I usually compile a brief post during each visit but the habit has died out since TNA killed off the cyber cafe in which I used to type away whilst having lunch. |
4 October 2008 |
155 | Blog: Roadblocks I've been meaning to post some info on the roadblock report I recently found and a side-project it has stimulated. |
22 July 2008 |
156 | Blog: Some Holy Grails of research My previous post cryptically referred to some "unbelieveably fantastic papers" that I found several weeks ago in The National Archives. |
5 July 2008 |
157 | Blog: National Archives Visit This visit actually took place on 14th June, but as usual, I'm behind with blogging. |
28 June 2008 |
158 | Blog: National Archives visits This post actually covers two visits; that of a week last Friday as well as today. |
7 June 2008 |
159 | Blog: Demolition chambers I find bank holiday weekends a double-edged sword; while I love the extra day off, it's annoying not being able to do normal things. |
9 May 2008 |
160 | Blog: Bridges at Barcombe Mills During Saturday's archive visit I came across mention of a new bridge being built at Barcombe Mills by the Canadians in 1941 to allow heavy tanks to cross the River Ouse. |
27 April 2008 |
161 | Blog: National Archives visit I'm back at Kew again today; it seems as though the memorial at Cuckmere Haven is controversial; I'll explain more in a later post. |
26 April 2008 |
162 | Blog: Memorial at Cuckmere Haven Every time I visit Cuckmere Haven, I learn something new. |
20 April 2008 |
163 | Blog: An interesting day filming I spent today with a TV crew who were filming a new series; unfortunately I can't yet tell you what or where, other than it was at an anti-invasion site somewhere in southern England. |
18 March 2008 |
164 | Blog: Pett Emergency Coast Defence Battery (2) Back in October 2006, I described a visit to Pett Emergency Coast Defence Battery, a large part of which still remains comparitively intact, although derelict. |
22 February 2008 |
165 | Blog: ESRO visit On Tuesday I began documentary research at a more local level by paying a visit to the East Sussex County Record Office (ESRO) in Lewes. |
21 February 2008 |
166 | Blog: Time Team at Shooters Hill Tonight's Time Team episode investigated the anti-invasion defences of Shooters Hill in London which was on one of the capital's stop lines. |
10 February 2008 |
167 | Blog: Martello Tower 61 Battery Observation Post (2) I spent today back at Martello Tower 61 as the 'resident historian' during the estate agent's open day. |
9 February 2008 |
168 | Blog: Martello Tower 61 Battery Observation Post I spent this afternoon taking a look around Martello Tower No.61 at Pevensey Bay. |
26 January 2008 |
169 | Blog: Getting some Zs I've been playing with Google Sketchup again and recreated the Z1 anti-tank scaffolding that was erected along hundreds of miles of beach in 1940-41. |
19 January 2008 |
170 | Blog: Piecing together the Bexhill defences (1) I spent today being blown around by high winds at Bexhill. |
28 December 2007 |
171 | Blog: Polegate Nodal Point I spent the afternoon wandering around Polegate, looking for remains of the Nodal Point defences marked on a sketch map I found in The National Archives. |
16 December 2007 |
172 | Blog: Fun with 3D Pillboxes I've been playing with geometric drawings with Google Earth to produce 3D pillboxes. |
2 December 2007 |
173 | Blog: The Defence of East Sussex The one advantage of having been ill for several weeks is that when I've not been sleeping uncontrollably and have had the energy, I've made progress on my anti-invasion research. |
14 November 2007 |
174 | Blog: Anti-Tank Ditches I recently came across the following reference in an infantry brigade defence scheme: |
11 November 2007 |
175 | Blog: We shall fight them with the beaches Took a trip out to Bexhill today looking for the usual anti-invasion remains, plus the location of an unusual defence; the shingle projector. |
25 August 2007 |
This site is copyright © Peter Hibbs 2006 - 2025. All rights reserved.
Hibbs, Peter Search (2025) Available at: http://pillbox.org.uk/search.php?off=6 Accessed: 6 February 2025
The information on this website is intended solely to describe the ongoing research activity of The Defence of East Sussex Project; it is not comprehensive or properly presented. It is therefore NOT suitable as a basis for producing derivative works or surveys!